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Welcome New Moon in Earthy Taurus <3

Writer's picture: Tonje NaessTonje Naess

Mercury in Taurus is finally direct, and on May 19th, the sun and moon again conjunct in this earthy sign, and we have this year’s soft and feminine new moon in the fixed sign of Taurus.

New moons are times of reflection and our monthly opportunity to reset our goals and intentions. Having stepped out of last month’s impatient and fiery Aries energy, Taurus's beginnings are slow and solid. Where Aries might bring the quick transformation of fire, Taurus brings the slow transformation that comes with watering and caring for a tiny seed planted in the earth. It’s all about those goals and plans you are willing to water and nurture over the long haul. Just remember to be extra mindful as you plant your intention on this new moon.

Moreover, with Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus all currently transiting Taurus, we are surrounded by a lot of Taurus energy at the moment. Both Uranus and Mercury are known for their abrupt energy, and as we are basking in all that slow and steady Taurus energy at the moment, we might not be too comfortable with the earth erupting around the seed we just so carefully planted.

But abrupt company or not, ruled by loved goddess Venus, a Taurus new moon is also a time to adore life's simple pleasures. Run a flower bath, nourish your garden, smell the flowers, read in front of the fireplace, enjoy warm, soft fabrics, sweet kisses, savory meals, vintage wine...the list goes on. Taurus simply loves to indulge in the finer things in life, and there’s an ever-present longing to live in harmony and be present with the beauty surrounding her. Taurus also likes to take her sweet time, and to her, it is a necessity to schedule a much-needed time to rest and relax. She thrives best when she can move through life at ‘Taurus time’, giving herself time to build solid foundations and feel grounded and connected to the earth; let the Taurus new moon be your opportunity to do the same.

On the more shadowy side, Taurus’ energy can easily drag us into a mentality of lack and fear, so embrace the bull’s energy with awareness. Too much of that rooted energy and you may get glued to that comfortable sofa, stuck in your stubbornness, unable to leave your comfort zone if your life depended on it. Too little, and you will mindlessly be numbing out unpleasant emotions by running around nonstop, distracting yourself from being present and over-indulging in life’s pleasures. Find the middle way!

The main purpose of learning about the energies that surround us at all times is, after all, so that we can adapt and draw on their strengths as well as be prepared for their weaknesses, and I generally prefer to work with the energies rather than try to avoid them or fight a constant upstream battle. And, with challenges like erratic and impulsive Uranus’ entry into Taurus, we want to be prepared: Fixed earth sign Taurus is consistent, loyal, and stable. Uranus is unpredictable, experimental, and eruptive. That sounds like a miss-match in heaven if I ever saw one. So, if you have your natal chart, you may want to see where you have Uranus and Taurus in your chart, as Uranus would love to bring some turbulence – or maybe a much-needed revolution?! - into those areas of your chart.

Don’t be scared, though. As long as you don’t refuse your guidance and your growth, life will flow in the direction of your soul’s purpose. What you can do is practice awareness and start to get even better at scheduling those moments by yourself, taking time to breathe, ground, and practice self-love. The Taurus new moon is also an excellent time to start embracing material simplicity and to take time to de-clutter and simplify your life. The less clutter, the fewer chances of things getting tossed around, right? Also, if you are one of those that has a bit too much of that Taurus’ sluggishness hindering you from taking chances and moving forward, Uranus' entrance might give you exactly the push you need to get you but up and moving. And if we can manage to not cling to the status quo, Mercury and Uranus’ quick speed and abrupt changes can definitely be a means to liberation, bringing in a breath of fresh air and freeing us of old and outdated behaviors. Keep in mind, though, that their energy being so widely different from the Taurus energy can make it challenging to utilize the planets' energy at the best of times, so work with it wisely.

Nevertheless, as the stillness of the new moon wraps itself around you, set aside time for that much-needed me-time in true Taurus fashion. Slow down, soak in a flower bath, and be patient and loving towards yourself. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and root down into the healing energies of Pachamama. Connect again with that sacred pool of stillness within yourself. Then listen. Don't grasp. Don't run. Simply be, and let the silence bring the answers to you, as you allow yourself to align with that moment of truth.

Then, send out your new moon wishes as you find the courage to let go and surrender your wishes with an open heart. Trusting the future and your process, you create space for the Universe to do her manifesting magic, knowing that the new moon will light the path ahead for you.

New Moon Blessings,

Tonje xx

PS! If you want to dive deeper into all this incredible magic and more, Kate Murphy and I are hosting the MYSTICA 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in the fall (September 29th - October 8th): A Yoga Teacher Training that embodies and honors the seasons, the cycles, and the magic of the phases - both in nature and in our bodies.Click HERE to learn more ♥️

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