The Celtic fire festival Imbolc – or first spring – is a cross-quarter day celebrated when the sun is exactly halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, February 2nd. The Sabbat marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God and is a day to honor the rebirth of the Sun and to celebrate the passing of Winter and the first signs of spring. The time around Imbolc is usually a time of heightened anticipation and hope for Spring and new beginnings to arrive.
Imbolc is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid, the Goddess of poetry, fertility, healing, smith-craft, regeneration, livestock, and light. She is said to be a triple Goddess, reborn on Imbolc from the crone of winter to the maiden of spring, and this Sabbat honors her in all her aspects, and Pagans and Wiccans usually choose to honor her memory during this time by lighting dozens of candles – white for Brigid, and yellow or red ones for the God and the Sun.
Imbolc is the perfect time for initiations, dedication, and for rituals focusing on spiritual purification, cleansing one’s body, thoughts, and emotions, as well as the lighting of candles. If you want to do a candle ritual, I love the candle tradition where you collect all your old candles, carving words and wishes for yourself and your loved ones, before melting them all together to create new candles out of them and light them in the honor of the Goddess and the Sabbat. The candles will then be lit regularly until spring returns.
✨️Season + Element: the transition to spring and the element of Air
✨️Tarot: Suit of Swords
✨️ Chakra: Anahata / Heart chakra
✨️ Yoga: Backbends and heart-openers
✨️Incense: Bay, basil, rosemary, lavender and chamomile.
✨️Stones: Clear quarts, Amethyst, garnet, ruby, and bloodstone.
✨️Decorations: White candles, snowbells
✨️Colors: Light green (new growth), white (purity), as well as the “fire colors” of yellow, orange, and red
✨️Deities: Brigid, the maiden
✨️Corresponding Moon: Waxing Crescent Moon, a time of hope, anticipation, and taking the first steps toward manifestation.
Blessed be and have a magical Imbolc, yogies 💕.